Learning an instrument can help your student excel both academically and socially. Playing an instrument can help your child fine-tune their ear and enhance their educational skills. Additionally, learning an instrument may allow your student to have an easier time learning math, practicing good manners, and learning team cooperation. At the Orlando private school, Lake Forrest Prep, we immerse our students in all forms of interactive learning including performing & visual arts. Here are some benefits to having your child involved in music lessons.
- Assists Academically: Music lessons improve many academic skills, specifically math skills. By understanding beat, rhythm and scales, children are learning how to do math by means of dividing, recognizing patterns, and creating fractions. It is said that music helps to wire a student’s brain to better understand math, noted Lynn Kleiner, founder of Music Rhapsody in California.
- Develops Physical Skills: Students with higher energy can fit well with instruments that develop coordination like drums, for example, which require the use of hands, arms, and feet. Additionally, certain instruments teach children how to coordinate simultaneous hand movement for instruments, like the violin in which two hands need to be doing separate things at the same time. This also helps prepare children for additional interests like sports.
- Encourages Social Skills: Music classes often have group interactions where they need to harmonize together. By a child contributing to one strong solid sound, they will quickly begin to understand the importance of team work. One “off” note can throw the group off, and they can quickly learn how to adjust to meet the needs of the group.
- Teaches Patience: Learning an instrument isn’t easy, and before you start to play, you have to learn how to hold the instrument first. Finger placement and position is key to being comfortable while playing the guitar. Your child will learn patience and obedience, while learning the instrument before they get the play the instrument.
- Boosts Self-Esteem: Music lessons and learning to play an instrument allow children to be open to honest criticism. When a child can turn something constructive into something positive, it can boost their self-esteem.
At Lake Forrest Prep, we believe that skills such as the performing arts help to make a well-rounded and successful student. Common core studies are vital to any child’s success, but it is also important to see the value and benefits from performing & visual arts.
To learn more about Orlando private school Lake Forrest Prep, contact us today by calling: 407-331-5144 or browse our website.