It’s almost time to review your child’s first report card! For many Orlando private school parents, examining their child’s report card may bring questions or anxiety if grades do not match what was anticipated. Remember to praise your child regardless of his or her grades; the effort he or she put forth must be rewarded along with the letter grade.
While many children may share their report card grades with others, it is important that you, as a parent, do not compare your child’s grades with those of his or her peers or with the grades of your other child(ren). Each child learns differently and may be developmentally ahead of or behind other children. If your child has a grade “below expectation”, you may wish to meet with his or her teacher to discern a method to assist in strengthening that grade.
Children working at or above grade level are not exempt from parental involvement, however. Ensure your child is working to the best of his or her ability by looking over homework and test grades and assisting your child in determining the correct answer for problems answered incorrectly. Working as a team, you, your child, his or her teacher, and the staff at Lake Forrest Preparatory can develop a plan that best suits your child’s ability and gives your child a sense of purpose and a better idea of what is expected. The answer may be as simple as incorporating learning into your child’s everyday activities, such as recognizing letters or words in road signs or measuring water to cook rice.
Knowing you are involved in his or her education, your child will be more likely to ask you for guidance with a science question, math problem, or the next spelling test. Keep in mind that the Orlando private school, Lake Forrest Preparatory School, is your partner in educating your child, and we share a common goal with you: the success of your child. Please visit our website for additional information.