Tips for Making Sight Words Fun
Tips for Making Sight Words Fun

Learning to read is one of a child’s most important educational markers. A foundational piece of reading comprehension comes from developing a base of sight words. Sight words are words that young readers know by heart. They’re often high-frequency words, one or two syllables, and don’t need decoding skills.  Teachers equip students with sight word sheets and packets, but talking…

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Alternatives to Handing Your Child More Technology
Alternatives to Handing Your Child More Technology

Throughout the pandemic, we’ve learned to remedy limited social interaction by spending more time on our electronic devices. While technology can be a great learning resource for kids, too much screen time can have negative impacts. This spans from their physical health, emotional wellbeing, and social development. Instead of handing your kids a smartphone, tablet, or laptop the next time…

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Handling and Overcoming COVID Fatigue
Handling and Overcoming COVID Fatigue

Our Lake Forrest Preparatory School community is committed to keeping students and staff safe. However, we understand that having different schedules, different playtime rules, and adjusted classroom settings can be tiring for our students. Pandemic fatigue affects all ages, but children not used to coping with intense emotions can experience this more acutely than adults.  Here are a few ways…

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Volunteering Ideas for Your Children
Volunteering Ideas for Your Children

If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that hardships can fall on anyone. Volunteering can be a great way for your child to become adults to constantly look for ways to give back to their communities. At Lake Forrest Prep, we include volunteer opportunities in our curriculum, from recycling to food drives. But we also want to encourage parents to foster…

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