Parents Corner is a glimpse into life at Lake Forrest Preparatory School. Follow along throughout the school year in our Parents Corner blog as we take you through a year at LFPS.
If it wasn’t still 100 degrees outside, we might forget the summer is long gone. The kids are well into their routines in class and regale us with tales from the school day each night at dinner. Exciting things started popping up all throughout October. Spooky arts and crafts projects made their way home in folders and my daughter couldn’t stop chattering about the fall festival.
The PTA does a great job bringing all the families out for a very fun afternoon of games, bounce houses, and treats. We were delighted to see a chili cookoff this year and a super spooky haunted house. Although, with full disclosure, I admit I made my husband take the kids solo through the haunted house. I’m a bit of a scaredy-cat and my ego couldn’t bear the thought of being more terrified than the kiddos. It’s fun to see the kids all dressed up in their costumes and see the teachers get so into it too!
For the very first time, our little guy’s preschool class got to participate in ‘Pumpkin Carving with Dad’. He was so proud to pick his pumpkin at the patch and get that special time at school with his dad. We love the opportunities Lake Forrest Prep makes to create family memories in the classroom.

This week both our kids have been buzzing about the Book Fair. They even got to meet Pete the Cat – what a day! I love to see my kids get excited about things that were just as big of a deal when I was their age. And maybe I understand now why my parents were always pressing me to get a book and not just the other adorable but unnecessary stuff there! We’ve had a great time each night reading the new books the kids picked out. It’s thrilling to watch my daughter try and read the books. She is learning so much in Kindergarten.
What’s up next? The kids are counting down the minutes until Grandparents Day and so are we. Just another way Lake Forrest Prep goes above and beyond to include families in the school community!