Tips on How to Prepare Your 8th Grader for High School
Tips on How to Prepare Your 8th Grader for High School

The transition from middle school to high school can be challenging for many students. High school is a time of increased academic rigor, social pressures, and new responsibilities. As one of Orlando’s leading private schools, we understand how it is important to prepare your 8th graders for high school. Every student deserves to have a successful and fulfilling experience! Here…

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Understanding Soft Skills and What they Mean for Students
Understanding Soft Skills and What they Mean for Students

Private school students are often provided with top-notch education that prepares them well for the academic challenges of the future. However, academic excellence alone isn’t enough for success in life. Soft skills are equally important for students’ overall development and future success. Here are some reasons why parents of private school students should encourage their children to develop their soft…

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Why Volunteering at a Young Age Matters for Kids
Why Volunteering at a Young Age Matters for Kids

Volunteering at a young age is a great way for kids to learn valuable life skills while making a positive impact in their community. From building empathy to developing leadership skills, here are some reasons why volunteering matters for kids. Builds empathy Volunteering exposes kids to different people and situations, helping them develop empathy and understanding for others. When kids…

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